Saturday, December 27, 2014

PEI Stroke Care Model "Caregiver Handbook"

Did you know that over 300 strokes occur on Prince Edward Island every year?

Are you a family member, caregiver or friend of a stroke survivor on Prince Edward Island.

Here is a valuable information resource for Prince Edward Islanders seeking information about recovering from stroke on Prince Edward Island.

PEI Stroke Care Model  "Caregiver Handbook"

Click Here to open the "Caregiver Handbook" PDF

and Heart & Stroke's "Let's Talk About Stroke" booklet

Click Here to open the "Let's Talk About Stroke" PDF

Both of the above PDF's can be downloaded to your computer's hard drive and/or printed out on your printer as handy reference material.

Please share the link to this post with others who may need this information.


Stroke survivor since 2002